Starting Point and Achieve Sports Acupuncture treats patients using a variety of traditional techniques besides needling including cupping, gua sha and acupressure.
Helps address acute and chronic illnesses. Helps promote general healt and wellness. Helps manage the negative affects of stress. Provides a safe non-pharmaceutical pain management option.
We take your athletic injuries seriously. Classical and Contemporary acupuncture methods can be used to treat a multitude of orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries, sports related or not.
This can be an effective complement to acupunture treatment for various muscular skeletal problems.
We have many satisfied customers that will attest to the benefits of our treatment therapies.
“I had 2 knee surgeries within 7 months of each other, causing not only knee pain, but also hip, leg and back. After only one session with Dr. Paton I was walking free of pain.”
“Dr. Paton correctly diagnosed and treated my shoulder pain. I would highly recoomend him.”
“Dr Paton has been treating me for shoulder pain and overall health. He is a knowledgeable and compassionate healer. I would highly recommend him.”
“David spent quite a bit of time with me explaining in detail the damage to my dislocated shoulder and rotator cuff injury. I am planning on making an appointment soon for acupuncture.”
“I had 2 knee surgeries within 7 months of each other, causing not only knee pain, but also hip, leg and back. After only one session with Dr. Paton I was walking free of pain.”
“Dr. Paton correctly diagnosed and treated my shoulder pain. I would highly recoomend him.”
“Dr Paton has been treating me for shoulder pain and overall health. He is a knowledgeable and compassionate healer. I would highly recommend him.”
“David spent quite a bit of time with me explaining in detail the damage to my dislocated shoulder and rotator cuff injury. I am planning on making an appointment soon for acupuncture.”